Hello there, here are my blog posts!
I’m yet to master adding a photo to a recipe excerpt so get creative, and imagine one for each post. Do me a favour, and make it a good one. Nothing overly stylised, just casually beautiful. Definitely, no burnt bits on show. Thanks, Kate
In the nearby village of Portovenere I remember there used to be a pestomat installed by the waterfront. Like other ATM machines such as the bancomat or postamat that supply euros after hours, the pestomat ensured that pesto, the beloved, Ligurian, pasta sauce was available 24/7. The pestomat (a type of refrigerated vending machine), was stocked […]
Massi questioned the other day, if I was getting dressed up, to go and meet the leafy selection at the fruit and veg mercato. It sounds absurd, but when I considered it, I knew that my husband was right (annoying in itself). I was getting dressed up. In particular, for the radicchio. It is […]
I wanted to make something delicious to mark the 83rd birthday of my mother, Stella. She is one inspirational, wholehearted, phenomenally generous, clever, funny and, just all out wonderful woman. Although we are on opposite sides of the world, she in Australia and I am in Liguria Italy, I couldn’t let her day pass without cake. […]