Pesto alla Genovese (off season version)

 In the nearby village of Portovenere I remember there used to be a pestomat installed by the waterfront.  Like other ATM machines such as the bancomat or postamat that supply euros after hours, the pestomat  ensured that pesto, the beloved, Ligurian, pasta sauce was available 24/7.  

The pestomat (a type of refrigerated vending machine), was stocked by a small, artisan shop, Bajeico’ la bottega del pesto.   To me, it was just a kinda quirky arm of their business, but to many, the after-hours machine was more of a community service.   Massi for example, placed it alongside an after-hours pharmacy in terms of essentiality.  It took a while, but I came to understand that pesto access was a matter of life or death to a Ligurian.   

Today, it is  the last day of winter.  Lunch, was Pasta al Pesto made in the traditional Genovese style where the pasta is tossed with cooked, sliced potato transforming it into pesto ricco or rich pasta.  Typically, green beans are also added but, like the basil in the garden, I will have to wait for the summer for those.  Today, was the winter version.  

Below is the recipe, but sure there is nothing to it.  The recipe calls for pasta, potatoes and green beans (if you have them), to be boiled, combined and dressed in pesto.  Depending on the type of pasta you are using, the timings and ordering may vary.  I typically use fresh trofie – a short, thin, twisted pasta from Liguria.  The fresh pasta needs only a few minutes of cooking (ie. less than the veggies), so I start the potatoes first, and cook them separately from the pasta.  In many cases however, everything can be cooked in the one pot – starting with the pasta, then adding the sliced potato and a couple of minutes later, the green beans. When cooked, drain and dress the lot with a little of the pasta cooking water, and the vibrant, green pesto.

The pesto I used today, wasn’t bought from the pestomat,  but was sourced from a deli truck at the local fruit and veg mercato.  It was simple, fragrant and mega delicious in a lifeblood kinda way.

Pesto alla Genovese

  • 400g dried pasta
  • 2 medium sized potatoes, peeled and cut into ½cm slices
  • 1 cup green beans, cut into pieces of 2.5cm
  • pesto, several big scoops (enough to coat, but not suffocate the pasta)
  • olive oil to serve
  • parmesan, grated to serve

To a large pot of boiling water, add a generous pinch of salt.   Add the pasta and depending on its cooking time, the potatoes a couple of minutes later.  Add in the green beans for the final 3-8 minutes (according to how much bite you like in your veg).  Alternatively, boil the vegetables separately and combine them all once cooked.  

In a large bowl, place the pesto together with a little of the water used for cooking the pasta.  Stir to dilute and loosen.  Add the cooked drained pasta and vegetables and toss gently to combine.  Add a drizzle of olive oil.  Serve immediately, with grated parmesan cheeese.

Serves 4