Radicchio Salad with Blood Orange, Gorgonzola and Pine Nuts

Massi questioned the other day, if I was getting dressed up, to go and meet the leafy selection at the fruit and veg mercato.  It sounds absurd, but when I considered it, I knew that my husband was right (annoying in itself).  I was getting dressed up.  In particular, for the radicchio.  

It is just soooooo lovely, that to me, being in the presence of radicchio is like being in a contemporary art gallery.  Intensely rich in colour, surprising in form, and so totally funky – it just makes we meant to dress a little snappier.  

In Italian cuisine, you will find radicchio prepped in a bunch of different ways; braised, grilled, baked, tossed in risotto etc.  My preference, is to eat it raw – when crunch and colour are at their peak.  

As a salad veg, radicchio offers a slightly bitter canvas to which contrasting tastes can be layered.  The salad I have included here is more of an idea than a recipe.  I frequently swap out ingredients keeping in mind the bitter/sweet/acidic/salty/crunchy/creamy/all over yumminess, that I am hoping for.   

Here, I kicked-off with radicchio di Chioggia – the compact, ball shaped radicchio that is slightly less better than some of the other radicchio varieties –  and I mixed it with a little rocket.  I then added blood oranges and balsamic vinegar for a sweet/acidic element.  Next, local, Ligurian olives, for saltiness (capers or anchovies would work well too).  For texture and taste, I then added blobs of gorgonzola (you could sub goats cheese or parmigiano),  and  a sprinkling of toasted pine nuts (walnuts would be also be yumm).  

If  you haven’t already, deck yourself out with a  1950’s hostie scarf around your neck,  or a jaunty beret before making this artful salad. 

Radicchio Salad with Blood Oranges, Gorgonzola and Pine Nuts

The quantities below are rough amounts given for one person so adjust your numbers accordingly.   For a heartier meal, tossing in some torn bread that has been lightly toasted in olive oil and fresh thyme adds some bulky vigor.  The addition of a boiled egg or a tin of tuna would also add some oomph.

  • 1/3 head of radicchio di Chioggia
  • small handful of rocket
  • 1 tablespoon of pine nuts
  • 1 blood orange
  • 20 – 50g gorgonzola (depending on its punch)
  • olive oil
  • balsamic vinegar
  • salt & pepper to taste

Remove the base of the radicchio, cutting away the central core. Discard any frayed or wilted outer leaves.  Break up the remaining leaves, tearing any larger ones.  Rinse together with the rocket, then spin dry in a salad spinner.

In a small frypan, lightly toast the pine nuts until golden.  Remove from the heat and allow to cool.

Peel the blood orange and slice into segments.

Layer the salad, starting with the combined radicchio and rocket leaves.  Add the blood orange, and pine nuts.  Break-up the gorgonzola directly into the salad, dropping chunks here and there.

Dress the salad with a good drizzle of olive oil and balsamic vinegar.  Season with salt and pepper.